The truth is rarely pure and never simple.

Frederieke Dölle

Frederieke Dölle is a criminal defense lawyer. Before coming to Prakken d'Oliveira, she worked at the research department of the Dutch Supreme Court. She has extensive experience in dealing with Supreme Court appeals in criminal cases.

Frederieke obtained her Law degree cum laude at the University of Groningen (2015). During her studies, she worked as a judicial clerk for the criminal division of a district court in the North of the Netherlands. Frederieke is specialised in cases involving bodily assault, terrorism, juvenile criminal law, extradition and procedures before the Dutch Supreme Court. 


  • Criminal law
  • Sanctions law
  • Public order

Lawyer since



Additional functions

Board member of the Dutch Association of Young Criminal Defence Lawyers (NVJSA) Participant 'Forum Levenslang' Aspirant member of the Association of Appeal Cases in criminal law (VCAS)


  • Boom Strafblad: '"'Check your privilege' in discriminatiezaken'" (met Tamara Buruma) 2023-4p. 179-185
  • Tijdschrift Justitiële verkenningen: 'Vrouwelijke terugkeerders uit Syrië. Het perspectief van de verdediging', 2022-03, p. 58.
  • Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht, noot bij Rb Noord-Nederland 29 juli 2021, ECLI:NL:RBNNE:2021:3309.
  • Mr. F.T.C. (Frederieke) Dölle en Mr. T. (Tom) de Boer, 'De black box van de WETS', Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht 2021-2, p. 74-83. 
  • Nieuwsbrief Strafrecht, 'Bevoegdheid Belastingdienst tot verstrekken van gegevens aan de politie', noot bij Hoge Raad 18 juni 2019, nr. 1267.17, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:857.
  • Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht, noot bij Hof van Justitie (Grote Kamer) 25 juli 2018, C-216/18 PPU (JV 2018/203).

In the media